Rhode Island Troopers Association
Golf Tournament!
Thank you to all our participants & sponsors. We look forward to seeing you next year. Please check back here later for more information.
Sponsorship Levels
Thank you for your consideration to this worthy cause.
Corporate Dual Sponsorship:
- Tournament foursome
- Corporate logo displayed on event advertisements and event day materials
- Corporate logo displayed on hospitality cart during event
- Corporate logo at registration table during event
- Rhode Island State Police merchandise
- Recognition in R.I.T.A. Magazine
- Tee Box Sign Advertisement
Platinum Dual Sponsorship:
- Corporate logo displayed on hospitality cart during event
- Rhode Island State Police merchandise
- Recognition in R.I.T.A. Magazine
- Tee Box Sign Advertisement
Gold Dual Sponsorship:
- Rhode Island State Police merchandise
- Recognition in R.I.T.A. Magazine
- Tee Box Sign Advertisement
Silver Sponsorship:
- Rhode Island State Police merchandise
- Recognition in R.I.T.A. Magazine
- Tee Box Sign Advertisement
Bronze Sponsorship:
- Recognition in R.I.T.A. Magazine
- Tee Box Sign Advertisement