RITA Magazine Verification
To our advertisers in The Rhode Island Trooper
The Rhode Island Troopers Association (RITA), through The Rhode Island Trooper magazine calls businesses for advertisements. Thank you for advertising in our publication.
Trooper Publications East, Inc. has been publishing The Rhode Island Trooper magazine for RITA for over 30 years.
Without the advertising support of businesses such as yours, our publication would not be possible. Each issue of the magazine provides communication of shared experiences, new policing techniques and showcases our service to the communities we serve, as well as a forum to demonstrate the general professionalism of our Rhode Island State Police members.
Funds derived from the sales of advertisements go to improve the working conditions for members of the Rhode Island Troopers Association.
For further verification, please call 401-822-2242.
Rhode Island Troopers Association
Rhode Island Trooper Magazine Advertising Sales
1643 Warwick Ave., #401
Warwick, RI 02889-1525
All advertising support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.